Bsu university library
Bsu university librarybsu university library

  • When “friendly” URLs are assigned to Campus Community Guides or pages within the Campus Community Guides, users are asked to include “campus/” as part of the URL string (e.g.
  • As a rule, students will not be allowed content-provider accounts. However, the Maxwell Library MaxGuides system administrator will consider, on a case-by-case basis, allowing student’s access when there is a documented need provided by the BSU faculty/staff member responsible for the Campus Community Guide.
  • The Campus Community Guides administrator will work with content providers as needed to optimize their Guides, with the underlying understanding of the platform limitations.


    While the underlying software platform allows for some customizations and user interactivity, Campus Community Guides do not and cannot provide a “blank-slate” web publication opportunity.While the Library is committed to providing as open an online publication option as possible to the BSU community, Campus Community Guides content providers cannot act in total independence of Maxwell Library staff. The underlying software platform that supports the Campus Community Guides requires some mediated actions and services provided by a system administrator.Neither the LibGuides CMS server platform, nor the Maxwell Library, provides server space for downloadable content such as PDFs, Word documents, or audio files. The LibGuides CMS platform provides cloud storage space for images that appear within the Guides.Faculty are urged to consult with a Maxwell Library Reference specialist when publishing course-specific material. However, Campus Community Guides can be used for course-specific material that is not library-related. Course-specific related material, as a rule, should be placed in MaxGuides Course Guides.Liaison librarians and the Campus Community Guides administrator will provide training, support and consultation to Guide content providers.

    bsu university library

    One or more faculty/staff may be assigned editing permissions to the same Guide. Faculty/Staff should contact the Campus Community Guide administrator to set up a Campus Community Guide.Content must be related to BSU events, programs, centers, initiatives, departments, student groups, or outreach.Improve communication and interaction between BSU service providers and their constituents.Ĭampus Community Guide content must adhere to Bridgewater State University’s Responsible Use of Information Technology policy and to best practices.Provide an online publication platform to facilitate communication among BSU communities of interest.Utilize the MaxGuides publication platform (LibGuides CMS, published by Springshare) for online delivery of information not directly related to Maxwell Library resources and services.Policy Statement:Ĭampus Community Guides are open to faculty to promote and share information about BSU initiatives, departments, programs, groups, communities of interest, and events. This publishing service is provided by the Maxwell Library. Campus Community Guides are an online publication platform through which interested faculty and staff can share and promote BSU campus-related communities and events.

    Bsu university library